Export clean collection

About the product

Export clean collection refers to the collection of financial documents without any commercial documents entrusted by customers.

Product features

Low cost. Bank charges for clean collection are relatively low.

Safe and secure. There exist great risks in direct mail to the payer, which can be avoided through the international network between banks. It is a safer method of collection.

Convenient service. If the collecting bank has signed an "immediate credit" agreement with the paying bank/collecting bank, the collection time can be significantly shortened.


Customers who have collection needs for small payments under trade and non-trade items, foreign exchange checks, promissory notes, bills of exchange and other valuable documents.


1‰ of the collection amount, minimum 50 yuan, maximum 1000 yuan, and plus the post and telecommunications fees that are calculated separately.

Handling process

The payee submits the collection bill to the Bank.

The Banks mails the collected bills to the issuing bank for entrusted collection.

The collecting bank presents the bill to the payer, and the payer pays according to the face value.

The collection banks pay the collection amount to the Bank, and the Bank pays the payee.